F-trust Stock Screener

  When we enter the stock market, we will face choices to begin our investment. There are around 600 company that listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). Which company that we should choose? To easier the task of choosing our investment, we

Piotroski F-Score and P/B Rank  Screener Model

Seekers Capital Video Tutorial

Investment is something that many people do nowadays. There are several steps on making an investment and it starts with selecting stocks for our portfolio. There are so many stocks and there are also several ways to choose the

Price Momentum Screener

Zilo Capital Video Tutorial

Screening stocks in stockbit.com are supported by a feature called screener. This tool is used to screen stocks based on your company philosophy related criteria such as technical rules, fundamental rules, or these mixed rules. In this case, we

Greenblatt’s and Price Momentum Screener Model

Wookie Capital Video Tutorial

Greenblatt's magic formula is a simple and easy screening method that relies on quantitative screens and is designed to beat the stock market's average annual returns. It outlines two criteria: companies cost of capital and stock

Big Cap Undervalue Stock Screener Model

M&L Capital Video Tutorial

There still a lot of investors who feel confused to choose what kind of stocks to be executed before they start to make an investment. In this article, we will explain how to filter

GARP – Growth at Reasonable Price  Screener Model

GS Capital Video Tutorial

GS Capital is currently  using GARP method, which is Growth at Reasonable Price. This method tries to combine the approach of value and growth investing to select stocks. This method tries to find companies that have consistent earnings